Economy post Ballots for the Albuquerque Public Schools property tax hike are in the mail: RGF president Paul Gessing sat down with KOB TV to discuss 01.09.2019
Education post Gessing talks APS tax hike (and he and others question their fancy mailing) w/ KOAT Channel 7: 12.20.2018
Economy post A Numbers-Driven Look at Susana Martinez’ Legacy: How Does She Stack Up Compared to Johnson & Richardson? 12.19.2018
Economy post RGF president Paul Gessing discusses APS proposed property tax hike with KRQE Channel 13 11.09.2018
Education post No rest for RGF after 2018 election: Albuquerque Public Schools wants more of your money 11.08.2018
Economy post Economic Freedom up slightly across U.S.; New Mexico moves up to 42nd in North American index 10.31.2018
Economy post RGF breaks story to KOB TV about New Mexico’s $164 million food stamp overpayments 10.01.2018
Constitution & Criminal Justice post New Mexico Think Tank Applauds Janus Ruling Forcing Government Workers to Support Unions Is Wrong 06.27.2018
Economy post RGF luncheon event w/ leading free market economist/author Donald Boudreaux: The Case for Free Trade 06.17.2018
Economy post New RGF brief: New Mexico has ample opportunities to reduce health care costs, improve quality 04.16.2018
Economy post RGF president Paul Gessing participates alongside Rep. Steve Pearce & Lt. Gov. Sanchez on tax reform panel 04.16.2018
Healthcare post Dr. Roger Stark Physician and Free Market Health Care Reformer: How States Can Make Health Care Better For Patients and Taxpayers 03.16.2018
Economy post ‘Bipartisan’ Session a Disappointment for Taxpayers as shown in RGF Freedom Index Final Results 03.02.2018
ART post Gessing talks 2018 New Mexico Legislative session & what to do w/ Spaceport, RailRunner, & other government boondoggles 01.12.2018