Economy post APS tax hike election concludes Tuesday: Gessing on KOB TV, the selfish pro-tax hike crowd 02.04.2019 Ballots in the the mail-in Albuquerque Public Schools election must be returned to the County…
Economy post Ballots for the Albuquerque Public Schools property tax hike are in the mail: RGF president Paul Gessing sat down with KOB TV to discuss 01.09.2019
Notable News post Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation: Albuquerque Luncheon With Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr on January 23 01.01.2019
Education post Gessing talks APS tax hike (and he and others question their fancy mailing) w/ KOAT Channel 7: 12.20.2018
Economy post A Numbers-Driven Look at Susana Martinez’ Legacy: How Does She Stack Up Compared to Johnson & Richardson? 12.19.2018
Constitution & Criminal Justice post New video on donor disclosure highlights RGF Santa Fe lawsuit 12.17.2018
Economy post RGF talks to KOB TV Channel 4 about the many demands to spend NM’s budget surplus 12.14.2018
Economy post New Mexico state employee files lawsuit against AFSCME and State for constitutional violations 12.10.2018