080 Environmental Bet, SNAP and more

The Rio Grande Foundation strongly supports the idea that able bodied adults without children should be in the workforce and not on welfare. To that end the Foundation recently submitted comments to the federal government in support of the Trump Administration’s new rules which would limit SNAP (food stamp) benefits for able-bodied workers without children.
A new Wallethub report has found New Mexico to be the most reliant state in the entire nation on the federal government.
RGF president Paul Gessing took a trip up to Farmington last week which includes some further discussion of the signed Energy Transition Act and how the community is responding. Also, in that vein, the Union of Concerned Scientists has an analysis claiming electricity costs will not increase at all due to the new RPS. Paul has offered the environmental groups a bet in the spirit of Paul Ehrlich and Julian Simon.
A new report says New Mexico’s pension system is among the most underfunded in the nation.