Education post Comment NOW on Proposed Public Education Department Rules Changes 12.15.2023 In what seems to be yet another power grab by the Lujan Grisham Administration (this…
Economy post APS tax hike election concludes Tuesday: Gessing on KOB TV, the selfish pro-tax hike crowd 02.04.2019
Economy post Ballots for the Albuquerque Public Schools property tax hike are in the mail: RGF president Paul Gessing sat down with KOB TV to discuss 01.09.2019
Education post Gessing talks APS tax hike (and he and others question their fancy mailing) w/ KOAT Channel 7: 12.20.2018
Economy post RGF president Paul Gessing discusses APS proposed property tax hike with KRQE Channel 13 11.09.2018
Education post No rest for RGF after 2018 election: Albuquerque Public Schools wants more of your money 11.08.2018
Economy post RGF luncheon event w/ leading free market economist/author Donald Boudreaux: The Case for Free Trade 06.17.2018
Education post How Open Admission” Policies at New Mexico Comprehensive Universities Fail Students & Taxpayers 05.14.2018
Education post KrisAnne Hall: Attorney, former prosecutor, and Constitutional Scholar to highlight “Forgotten Patriots” at Rio Grande Foundation Luncheon 06.20.2017
Economy post Albuquerque Public Schools Cuts Middle School Athletics, while Per-Pupil Spending Outpaces Nation/Other NM Districts 04.17.2017
Education post Rio Grande Foundation to kick off “School Choice Week” Along with Lt. Gov. John Sanchez, Secretary Skandera at Roundhouse on Monday 01.19.2017