Economy post Best bills of New Mexico Legislature…so far 01.27.2022 Despite there being A LOT of bad bills in the 2022 session even with only…
post Education What RGF’s president told the APS School board about new COVID restrictions 01.20.2022
Constitution & Criminal Justice post Rio Grande Foundation appeals free speech case to the US Supreme Court 12.23.2021
Issues post Rio Grande Foundation Files Complaint Against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for Failing to Disclose Travel Records 12.09.2021
Economy post OAK NM in ABQ Journal: Educate yourself and vote on school board, bond, mill levy 10.18.2021
Education post Comment on Critical Race Theory in MLG’s proposed social studies curriculum 09.30.2021
Economy post RGF President reacts to United pledge of financial support for new stadium on KOAT Channel 7 09.24.2021
Education post Las Cruces Sun-News piece: Back to school brings big challenges in New Mexico 08.23.2021
Audio post Paul Gessing discusses the latest news and challenges facing our State on New Mexico Rising Podcast 08.04.2021