Economy post KOAT Channel 7 covers MLG EV charging station mandate (which will cost YOU money) 12.12.2023 The Rio Grande Foundation is a staunch opponent of government mandating ANY type of vehicle…
post Economy ABQ Journal op-ed: Latest EV mandate will drive up construction costs, drive down new housing supply 12.18.2023
Economy post RGF shares concerns about EV charging station mandate (and 750 petitions in opposition) 01.03.2024
Economy post RGF president discusses Industrial Revenue Bonds for United Stadium w/ KOAT 7 12.18.2023
Economy post ABQ Journal op-ed: Latest EV mandate will drive up construction costs, drive down new housing supply 12.18.2023
Economy post KOAT Channel 7 covers MLG EV charging station mandate (which will cost YOU money) 12.12.2023
Economy post RGF president provides extensive comments for KOAT Channel 7 report on Hollywood subsidies 10.06.2023
Economy post RGF in National Review Capital Matters: Bill Richardson: Another Clinton-Era Democrat Exits 09.08.2023
Economy post Numerous specific issues with electric vehicles and especially government mandating them 09.08.2023
Economy post RGF leads major coalition effort highlighting problems with Railway Safety Act 07.13.2023
Economy post Final tax package analysis: actual tax cuts account for 1.4% of $3.6 billion surplus 04.10.2023