045 Herrell Loses, APS Bond Election, Honeywell, Spending and Oil

On this week’s show Paul and Dowd briefly discuss the results of the race in Congressional District 2 in which Yvettte Herrell lost after being ahead on election night. Also, Dowd and Paul provide a recap of the Foundation’s event with transportation expert Randal O’Toole.
APS School board is looking to raise property taxes by 19%. New Mexico’s economy finally has as many jobs as it did 10 years and 7 months ago. Oil prices are dropping.
In a further blow to economic diversification Honeywell has left Albuquerque continuing the decline in aerospace employment
Finally, special interests claim that New Mexico government spending has been “slashed” and “cut” under Gov. Martinez. Dowd Muska crunched the numbers and found that not to be the case.