Top Ten Reasons to Support the Rio Grande Foundation

People often ask, “Why should I support the Rio Grande Foundation? What can you do not only to improve the state, but personally as well?” These are good questions, but the answers are even better. That is why I have compiled a list of the top ten reasons to support the Rio Grande Foundation.
- Politicians come and go from office. Worse, once they are elected they often change their beliefs. The Rio Grande Foundation will be around for a very long time and, unlike some weak-kneed politicians, it will not waver in its pursuit of liberty.
- Think tanks expand the window of possibility when it comes to the development of public policies. Politicians rarely invent policy solutions on their own; they rely on think tanks like the Rio Grande Foundation to develop ideas and promote them in the policy arena. Once public perception of a particular idea moves from being viewed as “radical” to being “main-stream,” it becomes politically viable.
- In the aftermath of World War II as collectivism spread worldwide, Nobel prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek advised his fellow free market allies not to get into politics, but to focus instead on “the world of ideas.”
- Small businessmen should be especially supportive of the Foundation’s support of free markets and an even playing field for the “little guy.” After all, it is well-connected special interests, not small businesses, which succeed at currying favor with government officials.
- The success of our mission, that is the preservation of free markets and personal liberty, is the key to resolving a whole host of other problems, each of which are also worthy. Strong economic growth, innovation, and increased personal choice are the best tools we have to resolve pressing problems in education, the environment, and cultural development.
- Our focus is on improving New Mexico’s economy, thus creating a bigger “pie” that will in turn provide greater resources for everyone.
- Among the dozens of ideas to have been developed or spurred on by free market think tanks over the years are: welfare reform, school vouchers, health savings accounts, Roth IRAs, and Social Security reform. Each of these ideas was at one time seen as “radical,” but has now either become law or at least been the subject of debate in Congress.
- If the Rio Grande Foundation doesn’t talk about the need to protect taxpayers from greedy politicians, give choice to students and parents, and restore individual property rights, who will?
- The Rio Grande Foundation is non-partisan and refuses to be co-opted by special interests and political parties. We are one of the few organizations in the state that genuinely works on behalf of its economically-productive and citizens.
- As a 501c3, donations to the Rio Grande Foundation are tax deductible. Donations can be made quickly and easily on the “Donate” page of our website: https://www.riograndefoundation.org/downloads/rgf_contribution_form.pdf.