RGF’s Paul Gessing to moderate legislative candidate forum Tuesday, June 21

With New Mexico’s primary season behind us, attention turns to the general election this November. All legislative seats are up and Democrats believe they can regain the House while Republicans are hoping they can make inroads in or even take control of the Senate.
Forum particulars are as follows. The event will be held on Tuesday, June 21 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Building which is located at 1634 University Blvd — 1 block north of Indian School — in Albuquerque. The event is free and open to the public.
Participating confirmed candidates for State Senator Eric Burton (R) as well as Diego Espinoza (R) and John Sapien (D) who are facing off in Senate District 9. Other candidates have been invited, confirmation pending.
Hosted by the Albuquerque Tea Party, the forum will be formatted to give each candidate opportunity for an opening and closing statement and adequate time to answer a series of questions. At present, the format includes some time reserved for a few questions from the audience.