RGF Urges Consumer Support for Local Businesses Targeted by Carpenters Union, Collects Petition in Support

(Albuquerque) Several recent media reports, including an article in Monday’s Business Outlook section of the Albuquerque Journal have detailed the ongoing protests taking place in front of various local businesses. The protests, which have been organized by the Los Angeles-based Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters, have included banners held by non-union paid protesters holding banners stating “shame on…” and then the business name.
When approached by the media and concerned citizens, neither the union, nor the protesters themselves would give any reason for the protests.
Said Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing, “While the Carpenters’ Union certainly has a first amendment right of free speech, as supporters of free markets and hard-working entrepreneurs, we urge citizens to consider actively supporting businesses that have been unfairly targeted by this out-of-town union.”
This includes both patronizing these businesses when possible – a partial list is available at www.errorsofenchantment.com – and signing the Rio Grande Foundation’s online petition (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/riograndefoundationcarpenterunionclick here for the petition) which will be sent to local media outlets and the union itself (absent signee contact information).
Gessing noted that “In today’s difficult economy, one would think that a labor union would have better things to do than harassing Albuquerque-area businesses.”
Concluded Gessing in explaining why his organization has taken action on this issue, “It would make sense if one of the better-funded organizations that are supposed to represent small businesses, at least lifted a finger to help the owners of these businesses which are now under-siege, but the Rio Grande Foundation will do what we can on our tiny budget.”