RGF releases “candidate guide” for New Mexico legislative candidates

Are you running for office and confused as to what the gross receipts tax is and why it causes problems? What is the right income tax rate for New Mexico? What regulations need to be reformed and how should we talk about education reform? As is well known New Mexico’s Legislature is composed of unpaid volunteers. Running for any office can be an overwhelming challenge requiring understanding of numerous complicated issues. To assist candidates regardless of party, the Rio Grande Foundation has produced a candidate guide with brief, easily digestible set of talking points regarding some of the most important economic, education, and constitutional issues facing New Mexicans.
Click the link to find RGF’s candidates guide. The guide includes hyperlinks to various websites which provide background and context for each bit of information. The guide is of course also available to anyone who wants some bite sized talking points about some of the critical issues facing New Mexico policymakers that COULD result in improved outcomes for our state. Click the links above or image below: