
RGF and Fraser Institute study New Mexico lack of economic freedom: only state in the USA LOSING freedom since 1981

If you were to summarize the work of the Rio Grande Foundation in one basic concept, that concept would be “Economic Freedom.” Economic Freedom is simply the ability to engage in voluntary economic transactions without government intervening in the form of taxes, subsidies, regulations, minimum wages, and other unnecessary interventions.

For decades the Fraser Institute has published “Economic Freedom of the World” and “Economic Freedom of North America” reports which show that nations, states, and provinces that embrace economic freedom are faster growing economically and population-wise. They also have cleaner environments, less poverty, greater gender equality, and numerous other positive outcomes.

As a new (first of its kind) joint Rio Grande Foundation/Fraser Institute report finds, New Mexico, unique among US states, has seen a decline in overall economic freedom since 1981. As the following charts from the report highlight New Mexico’s lack of economic freedom has had additional, negative impacts on the State in terms of economic/population growth.