Recent photos from RGF’s recent visit to Phoenix and more

RGF recently participated in the State Policy Network’s annual meeting which was held in Phoenix, AZ (nothing beats Phoenix in mid-August, lol). Several staff and board members from RGF made the trip and there was a strong contingent of other friends and allies at the event. One of the highlights was meeting former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey who, in the photo to the left is with Arizona Supreme Court member Clint Bolick (who helped found Institute for Justice and also worked at Goldwater).
Along with fellow Albuquerquean Steve McKee, Paul had a great conversation with Gov. Ducey about ways to help New Mexico learn from Arizona’s numerous successes on the economy and education reform.
In other RGF news we said goodbye (for now) to intern Gabriel Higbie who worked for RGF as a summer intern. RGF has summer internship opportunities. Find out more by clicking here.