Paul’s May 2, 2018 Interview on KSVP Radio

On this week’s interview, Paul discusses:
- Information about the new movie “Little Pink House.” This film is in theaters and has received praise from syndicated columnist George Will. The movie is about government abuse of eminent domain, an issue that the Rio Grande Foundation led reform efforts on in New Mexico.
- A majority of McKinley County’s three-Democrat county commission was unwilling to support Right to Work. One Commissioner, Bill Lee was a rock star and champion, but he couldn’t get a second to support him.
- What’s the latest on Right to Work in Chaves County?
- Another report, this one from Key Policy Data, rates New Mexico as a high tax state. How high do they see New Mexico’s tax burden relative to other states?
- How has or has not Gov. Susana Martinez been able to impact New Mexico’s tax burdens?
- The Rio Grande Foundation recently analyzed the wind industry and subsidies offered for the industry. Why is or is not wind a good idea? How could wind prove itself as a viable energy source?