Parents Rights win at APS school board

The Rio Grande Foundation would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who called, wrote, emailed, and spoke in favor of parental rights in education alongside RGF at last night’s APS school board meeting.
We would also like to thank the five APS School Board members that voted to support parental involvement in the classroom.
In case you missed it, here’s a quick summary of what happened:
KB1, also known as the Parent Rights and Responsibilities policy, passed the APS School Board in a 5-2 vote. KB1 consolidates education rules into a clear and concise format, making it easier for parents to see exactly what’s going on inside the classroom.
Opposition from special interest groups showed up in force, including numerous paid activists.
Regardless of the heckling and boos from the special interest groups, several brave parents stood up for Parental Rights and bravely took their turn at the mic to show the real local parent support for KB1.
We could not be more proud!
You can read the Albuquerque Journal’s highly biased coverage of the meeting here.
Parental Rights were up for a vote in Albuquerque today, and the clear winners are families.