KrisAnne Hall: Attorney, Former Prosecutor, and Constitutional Scholar to Highlight “The 10th Admendment and State Sovereignty” at Rio Grande Foundation Luncheon

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KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who travels the country teaching the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents and will highlight “The 10th Amendment and State Sovereignty.”
The main point in State Sovereignty is that the states created the Federal Government and the states delegated certain authority to the Feds. The states are sovereign over the Feds. Anything beyond what the states delegated is NOT Constitutional and the states have every right to refuse to comply. This relationship has been completely reversed in modern thinking.
- Location: Marriott Pyramid located at: 5151 San Francisco Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109.
- When: Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 12:00 noon to 1:00pm.
- Cost: Seating is limited and can be purchased at the discounted price of $30 until Wednesday, July 3, 2019; $40 after that. Price includes plated lunch.
KrisAnne is a disabled Army veteran, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, she received her undergraduate degree in Bio-Chemistry from Blackburn College in 1991 and her J.D. from the University of Florida, Levin College of Law and is a former Russian Linguist for the U.S. Army. KrisAnne worked as a state prosecutor and with a prominent law firm defending religious liberty and First Amendment rights. KrisAnne lives in North Florida with her husband JC, a pastor and former Russian instructor for the U.S. Navy, and their adopted son Colton.
KrisAnne has been awarded the Freedom Fighter award by Americans for Prosperity, the Certificate of Achievement from the Sons of the Revolution for her defense of Liberty, and Congressman James Blair Award for Defending the Constitution.
KrisAnne is an incredibly passionate speaker – a true Patrick Henry of our time. She speaks to audiences all across the country on Constitutional History, American Exceptionalism, and the Fight for Liberty. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious and she is able to inspire any group. She is a steadfast warrior in the Tea Party battle.
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