Federal Lands in New Mexico: Recent Presentations

Carl Graham of the Coalition for Self Government and I had a whirlwind tour of New Mexico to discuss federal lands issues in the West and New Mexico in particular. We discussed New Mexico’s economy and how it is impacted by federal lands as well as solutions like“Financial Ready” and “Transfer of Federal Lands” (TPLA) legislation.
Carl spoke at a well-attended public meeting in Albuquerque:
Carl Graham of the Coalition for Self Government in the West speaks at Rio Grande Foundation event from Paul Gessing on Vimeo.
He and I (my presentation starts at 45:20) also spoke to the New Mexico Association of Counties meeting in Deming (the Association passed a resolution supporting TPLA:
Carl Graham of Coalition for Self Government in the West & Paul Gessing of RGF speak at New Mexico Association of Counties eventfrom Paul Gessing on Vimeo.
Rob Nikolewski of Capitol Report New Mexico covered the Albuquerque event and interviewed Graham here.
More information will certainly follow on this important issue.