A few thoughts on the 2024 election results

Organizing them as best as possible here are a few thoughts relating to the outcome of the 2024 election:
Trump the moderate: on issue after issue Trump staked out positions on the issues that reflected the views of the largest number of Americans. It is good to see that issues still matter and drive election results;
Abortion, one of many issues: Since the leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade Democrats have made abortion rights the centerpiece of nearly every campaign. While abortion is a hot-button issue so are the economy, education, crime, foreign policy, free speech, energy, and numerous other policy issues;
Kamala Harris, knowledge and details matter: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both were vague about the policies they planed to implement if elected. The difference is that Trump had already served four years in the White House and Americans generally thought positively about his time in office (with the obvious exception of COVID). They seem to be hoping that Trump’s next four years closely resemble his first four when it comes to policy.
New Mexico the outlier: It is hard to believe that New Mexico was a “swing” state in 2004 and that we had a Republican Governor as recently as 2018. While Republicans have not performed well here since Trump entered the political scene in 2016, even a pro-Trump “landslide” was not enough for the Party to make inroads in 2024. The near-term future for New Mexico’s GOP looks even bleaker than it has in recent years which hasn’t been great. They need to find a solid candidate to run for Gov. in two years and to start building for that;
A loss for media and Hollywood elites: Like never before in recent history the entire establishment took aim at one person. They called him a Nazi and every other name in the book. The influence of the media on Americans has never been lower and the power of alternative news sources (like podcasts and Twitter) has never been higher. Check out OUR podcast Tipping Point NM here and follow us on “X” here.
Trump the history maker: While EVERY election is “historic” in some way, Trump becomes the first president since Grover Cleveland to win, lose, and then win again. Cleveland is not regarded highly by historians, but advocates of limited government believe he is one of the great presidents in American history.
Meanwhile, for a shocking visual, check out the map of seats in the US House of Representatives. New Mexico really stands out and is in fact the only geographically large and identifiable “blue” state in the nation.