Rio Grande Foundation

Who we are…

We are building a New Mexico where liberty, opportunity, and prosperity flourish.

The mission of the Rio Grande Foundation is to increase liberty and prosperity for all of New Mexico by informing citizens of the importance of individual freedom, limited government, and economic opportunity.

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Tipping Point New Mexico

Tipping Point New Mexico is the official podcast of the Rio Grande Foundation that addresses public policy issues facing New Mexico, hosted by Paul Gessing, President of the Rio Grande Foundation, and Wally Drangmeister.

Errors of Enchantment

Errors of Enchantment is the official blog of the Rio Grande Foundation that addresses public policy issues facing New Mexico.

  • by Paul Gessing
    Fresh off yet another 50th ranking in the annual Kids Count report and the left-wing Voices for Children’s attempt to pawn the results off as being due to the “poor performance of minorities on standardized tests,” another report, this one from Wallethub, gives New Mexico poor marks for child outcomes. Unlike Kids Count, Wallethub ranks […]
  • by Gabriel Higbie
      The Rio Grande Foundation recently hosted Corey DeAngelis for a series of events in New Mexico. DeAngelis is one of the most prominent voices for private school choice in the nation, and at events located in Albuquerque and Alamogordo, he discussed the shortcomings of government-operated educational systems and the strategic methods of the left […]
  • by Paul Gessing
    The latest edition of Kids Count provides more devastating news about New Mexico and the condition of our children. The report, created by the Annie E. Casey Foundation (a center/left non-profit that works nationwide) analyzes and ranks all 50 states based on 16 variables relating to childhood outcomes. Surprising absolutely no one, New Mexico again […]
  • by Paul Gessing
    Sen. Heinrich and Rep. Vasquez BOTH told Biden to step aside before the weekend. That is simply worth noting as they are in competitive races and had the most to lose from a Biden disaster in the election. Biden said a “health issue” might cause him to withdraw. Then he came down with COVID. Biden […]

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