114 PNM’s stakeholder meeting, UNM funding, and Torres-Small minimum wage vote

Paul attended the recent PNM stakeholder meeting and there was a lot of information discussed at the meeting including several potential paths forward for the utility. Paul and Wally spend some time discussing PNM’s path forward and what it means for ratepayers and taxpayers. You can find the sheet being discussed here.
The head of UNM’s economics department recently took a look at UNM’s budget and the funding cuts it has experienced over the past decade. Paul and Wally offer a dose of reality on higher ed spending in New Mexico and how generous State funding is for higher education in New Mexico.
New Mexico Congresswoman Torres-Small recently bucked her own party in voting against raising the national minimum wage to $15/hour. This was a good move on the merits, but what does it mean?
Finally, RGF has an upcoming event in Farmington.