070 Amazon, Plastic Bag Bans, Minimum Wage and Rail Projects

Amazon pulls the plug on NYC. What happened? How generous were those subsidies? How do they stack up compared to what New Mexico gives the film industry? Should young people leave New Mexico or stick it out?
ABQ City Council is expected to vote on plastic bag ban on Wednesday. The Rio Grande Foundation is fighting yet another battle against those who wish to tax and regulate New Mexicans. RGF calls out APS maintenance freeze on KOAT TV Channel 7.
Several items to discuss in the Legislature including the minimum wage hike bill HB 31 which passed the house and tapping the permanent fund for pre-K HJR 1.
Several rail projects took a hit this week including CA High speed rail, more waste on the Rail Runner, also $50 million is being spent by the Federal Government for Amtrak service through NM and the Albuquerque ART project received coverage in the LA Times over the weekend. Nothing new, but just sad.