039 Higher Education Challenges in NM, Bonds for Tiny Houses

Dowd and Paul start out talking about Dowd’s recent opinion piece in the Albuquerque Journal which discussed in detail some of the many challenges facing higher education in New Mexico. Paul shares data from a recent story detailing falling enrollment at the flagship university as well as statewide and outlines some solutions to those issues. Finally, they discuss the higher education bonds on this fall’s ballot statewide and how voters might consider holding bureaucrats’ feet to the fire on behalf of needed reforms.
Dowd and Paul discuss a number of other issues from bonds for “tiny homes” for the homeless on ballots from Bernalillo County to a transportation tax up for a vote in a few northern counties.
Paul will be on KSFR, the public radio station in Santa Fe on Election Day to help report on the election returns in New Mexico and offering details on what those mean for our State.